Thursday, February 10, 2011

waRm uP

It has been a long time.... i really miss my blog (-_^) Anyway, i just want to share something. Warm up je.. i got this article from my lovely lecturer before we started our English class. It's quite funny for anyone who can think wisely.. =p

Have you heard of Ah Kok applying to medical school? to become a doctor?
Needless to say, he never made it. Do you know why?
These are the answers he wrote in the entrance exam:

Antibody - against everyone

Artery - the study of painting

Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria

Caesarean section - a district in Rome

Cat scan - searching for a lost kitty

Chronic - neck of crow

Coma - punctuation mark

Cortisone - area around local court

Cyst - short for sister

Diagnosis - person with slanted nose

Dislocation - in this place

Duodenum - couple in blue jeans

Enema - not a friend

Fake labour - pretending to work

Genes - blue denim

Hernia - she is close by

Impotent - distinguished/ well known

Labour pain - hurt at work

Lactose - people without toes

Microbes - small dressing gown

Obesity - city of obe

Pacemaker - winner of noble peace price

Proteins - in favour of teens

Pus - small cat

Red blood count - dracula

Secretion - hiding anything

Tablet - small table

Ultrasound - radical noise

Urine - opposite of you're out

Varicose - very close

Get it?? I'm not sure whether all the doctors outside there can understand this article.. =) Have a nice day...... (^_^)


  1. alitays: jgn ikot... =)

    naz: tq naz...

  2.'s really funny....maka me happy

  3. u always happy my dear... =)
    tanx 4 da comment...

  4. Nice one....Im sure all the doctors out can REALLY understand this article.
